Inflammation and Hydration: What is the connection?

Inflammation and hydration are interconnected aspects of health, and understanding their relationship can be crucial for managing various health conditions and maintaining overall well-being.


Inflammation is a natural and essential part of the body’s immune response. It helps the body to fight off infections, injuries, and toxins, and it plays a role in healing. There are two types of inflammation:

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Experts on how water intake affects uric acid levels in the body

Story by Lifestyle Desk 

Here’s what to know about uric acid levels and kidney function:

A less commonly spoken health risk among those associated with lack of adequate water intake is less uric acid levels in the body. Notably, while uric acid is a waste product, produced during the breakdown of various foods and drinks, its production too affects your health.

“Normally, uric acid dissolves in the blood and is discarded by the kidneys through urine. But in some cases, the body produces excess uric acid or the kidney dysfunction doesn’t excrete the required amount of uric acid, resulting in hyperuricemia. Long-term hyperuricemia can lead to development of gout, a painful form of arthritis, or kidney stones,” Dr Avanish Arora, director – Urology and Uro-Oncology & Senior Consultant – Robotic Urology, Nanavati Max Super Specialty Hospital, Mumbai told

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How to travel and avoid Gout

Traveling can be hectic as is, and downright scary if you suffer from Gout. If you are going abroad it can be even more of a worry as you are not near home, or in the same country to get the help you need, that is why making a packing list, or checking one out from such websites as can be very beneficial. Why does Gout tend to attack at THE worst imaginable times and can you avoid this fate?

The anticipation and fear of the next Gout attack can be extremely stressful. Travel can be very stressful, too. Unfortunately, stress can actually CAUSE an attack. Stress can dramatically alter the pH of the body increasing its acid load, pulling minerals from the body, and triggering inflammation. While finally arriving at your destination can be relaxing and fun, the stress leading up to that point could cause problems.

· Try to pack well ahead of time and don’t overthink it. Most people don’t use half of the things they bring. Make a list over a long period of time and stick to it.

· If you are flying, have your documents for security set aside separately and plan to arrive with plenty of time to spare.

· Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and eat well (at least leading up to the vacay.)

· Stress and travel can deplete the healthy bacteria in the body. Taking a high quality probiotic before, during, and after travel can help a great deal.

· Breathe deeply and try to relax. Continue reading “How to travel and avoid Gout”

Is Distilled Water Good or Bad for you?

In a desperate search to consume a safer water source than the parasite, dioxin and chlorine ridden tap water, many resort to distilled water. Contrary to popular belief, distilled water is acidic. Distilled water is boiled until it evaporates. This vapor is then condensed back into liquid form. Hypothetically, distilled water should offer us a neutral pH balance around 7.0 to provide an alkaline and purified drinking source. However, carbon dioxide in the air dissolves into the water immediately upon exposure decreasing the pH and turning it acidic. Additionally, the distillation process strips the water of its minerals and could lead to electrolyte imbalances in the body. When you consume mineral free water over a long period of time the body will pull electrolytes from your tissues in order to function properly and eliminate waste.

Did you know that soda and other soft drinks are made with distilled water? As if soda isn’t already bad enough for us, heavy soda consumers are literally stripping and dumping large amounts of vital minerals (calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals) into their urine. Mineral loss can quickly lead to any number of degenerative diseases including coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism and more. Minerals are essential to our body’s pH balance and acidic environments only speed up aging and disease development. Continue reading “Is Distilled Water Good or Bad for you?”


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