The Benefits of Turmeric (Curcumin) – Gout, Inflammation and Disease

turmeric curcumin

TURMERIC (Curcumin)

Herbs and spices have more antioxidants than any other food group. Turmeric (Curcumin) is among these potent antioxidants. With its use, one could help prevent DNA mutations that lead to cancer and another disease. The number of cells with DNA damage could essentially be cut in half with just a little bit of this yellow magic. Many people opt to take or make supplements with this spice contained in it, which you can find more about as you explore the different vendors for these items.

A number of clinical trials have tested Curcumin (the pigment in Turmeric that yields its bright yellow color) against a number of diseases. The trials have shown this spice to play a significant role in the prevention and/or treatment of brain diseases, a variety of cancers, lung diseases, and painful joint conditions.

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The Almighty Liver

Why is the liver so important?

The liver may just be one of the most fascinating and forgiving of all organs.  It literally has over 500 functions in the body.  It is an organ that just keeps giving, despite all of its abuse.  As your number one protector, could you be doing more to help the liver do its job?

The liver faces a daily onslaught of abuse from pathogens and toxins in our environment, water, air, hygiene and household products, and our diet.  From the time we were nothing more than a fetus in our mother’s womb, our liver was already protecting us as our first, and main level, of defense.  The liver cleans your blood, your lymphatic system, and supports your adrenal glands.  Healing and cleansing the liver can help heal and cleanse all of the above.

What are some signs of liver congestion?

Continue reading “The Almighty Liver”

Understanding Uric Acid

Uric Acid

Purines perform multiple important functions within our cells, including regulating energy metabolism and signaling the energy conversion from one to another.  Purines are essentially the building blocks for all living things as a necessity for the growth, proliferation and survival of all cells.  The two purine bases, adenine and guanine, create bonds that form the DNA ladder. Humans breakdown purines and convert them into uric acid.

Uric acid happens to be a potent DNA protector.  All other mammals possess an enzyme known as uricase.  Uricase converts uric acid into allantoin, which can easily travel through the bloodstream and readily eliminated through the urine.  Humans do not possess this enzyme, therefore, we cannot oxidize uric acid into the more soluble compound of allantoin.  Our liver and kidneys are left to do the all-important jobs of purine breakdown and uric acid disposal, conducted respectively.

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Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us…………

Are you prepared for the winter germs? 

Have you done enough to avoid illness and pain associated with this dreaded season? 

Can the cold and flu season raise your threat of a Gout attack

                                              Can illness increase your arthritic joint pain and inflammation in general?


Contrary to popular belief, you can avoid serious bouts of illness and still avoid the flu shot.  Optimizing your health through diet, water, sleep, and supplementation won’t only enhance your health overall, it will enhance your body’s ability to ward or fight off any of those nasty germs surrounding you.  Even if you succumb to the germs, you can drastically reduce the severity of the hit with a strengthened immune system. Continue reading “Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us…………”


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