Five signs of poor gut health – and how to start improving yours

Story by Lizzie Thomson @ MSN

Spring may be showing the first signs of springing, but the betting is that your gut is feeling far from its best – whether you realize it or not.

Stodgy winter food, a tendency towards carbs, lack of fresh fruit and a tendency to live less active lifestyles for what will have been months now could taking its toll.

But if you want to banish the winter blues, then prioritizing a healthy gut is a great place to start. ‘Most people forget that the gut does much more than simply digest your food. Gut health impacts your energy, skin and immune system, your ability to concentrate, sleep, and much more,’ says nutritionist Shona Wilkinson, from nutrition and supplement brand DR.VEGAN.

Continue reading “Five signs of poor gut health – and how to start improving yours”

New Year’s Resolution – Gout Free in the New Year

What is the number one reason that New Year’s resolutions fail?

Most people know what they want, but they don’t fully understand how to actually achieve their goal. Most resolutions require a decent amount of patience and understanding, and whole lot of effort. We cannot treat a marathon like a sprint; bad habits don’t die easily.
You must approach this goal with the understanding that Gout did not take place overnight, and neither will your healing. So many people fail at achieving their goals because they are in too much of a hurry and desire immediate satisfaction. When it comes to Gout pain, it is easily understood why we resort to quick-fix prescription medications even though we know they aren’t really “fixing” anything. We need immediate pain relief, and rightfully so. However, you can still begin the true healing process and we can show you the way.

Having a New Year’s Resolution for Joint health and Gout Control is a great idea. You may know what you want, but not how to go about achieving this goal – BUT WE DO!

A few life-changing Louise Hay Affirmations by Jennifer Williamson – You CAN Heal Your Life:

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Is the Keto diet safe for Gout Sufferers?

Contrary to popular belief, the Keto diet is not protein focused. Rather, this diet focuses on a high fat and low carb diet to shock the body into ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic process where the body is able to focus on burning fat with carbs mostly out of the picture. The body doesn’t have to work hard trying to burn the carbohydrates for energy, therefore, blood sugar is lowered and fat burning becomes the main focus.

Is this good for the Gout sufferer? Continue reading “Is the Keto diet safe for Gout Sufferers?”

Gout, Arthritis, Inflammation: The relation to the diet

This may be one of the most complex areas to understand, and we are gaining new knowledge all the time. For far too long we have remained focused on certain food triggers rather than the source and the reasoning behind our reaction. Food selection is very important. The larger, and often overlooked, picture would be the lack of pH balance to each meal, general unhealthy food choices for far too long, high-heat cooking methods, and an overabundance of processed and now genetically modified selections in the typical diet.

Questions to consider:

  • Is red meat the enemy OR is it the grain fed caged source vs. grass fed and free to roam source?
  • Is the inflammatory inducing acid of the protein the problem OR are we not providing enough alkaline food sources in the same meal to buffer the acids and still benefit from the good it has to offer?
  • What is the true source behind the body’s inflammatory reaction?

You will continue to find conflicting information on what is considered to be a ‘healthy diet,’ rendering you helpless in making concrete decisions on your approach for change.

Here is what we do know:

Continue reading “Gout, Arthritis, Inflammation: The relation to the diet”

The Almighty Liver

Why is the liver so important?

The liver may just be one of the most fascinating and forgiving of all organs.  It literally has over 500 functions in the body.  It is an organ that just keeps giving, despite all of its abuse.  As your number one protector, could you be doing more to help the liver do its job?

The liver faces a daily onslaught of abuse from pathogens and toxins in our environment, water, air, hygiene and household products, and our diet.  From the time we were nothing more than a fetus in our mother’s womb, our liver was already protecting us as our first, and main level, of defense.  The liver cleans your blood, your lymphatic system, and supports your adrenal glands.  Healing and cleansing the liver can help heal and cleanse all of the above.

What are some signs of liver congestion?

Continue reading “The Almighty Liver”

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