Why are Microencapsulated Probiotics the only way to go?

Microencapsulated probiotics are considered highly advantageous due to their ability to address several key challenges associated with traditional probiotic formulations. Here’s why they are often seen as the “only way to go” for effective probiotic delivery:

1. Superior Protection and Viability

  • Protection from Environmental Factors: Traditional probiotics are susceptible to heat, moisture, and oxygen, which can degrade their viability during storage. Microencapsulation provides a protective barrier that shields probiotics from these harmful environmental conditions.
  • Stomach Acid and Bile Resistance: The encapsulating materials can protect probiotics from the acidic environment of the stomach and the bile salts in the intestine, significantly enhancing the survival rate of the probiotics as they transit through the digestive system.
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Five signs of poor gut health – and how to start improving yours

Story by Lizzie Thomson @ MSN

Spring may be showing the first signs of springing, but the betting is that your gut is feeling far from its best – whether you realize it or not.

Stodgy winter food, a tendency towards carbs, lack of fresh fruit and a tendency to live less active lifestyles for what will have been months now could taking its toll.

But if you want to banish the winter blues, then prioritizing a healthy gut is a great place to start. ‘Most people forget that the gut does much more than simply digest your food. Gut health impacts your energy, skin and immune system, your ability to concentrate, sleep, and much more,’ says nutritionist Shona Wilkinson, from nutrition and supplement brand DR.VEGAN.

Continue reading “Five signs of poor gut health – and how to start improving yours”

Important tips regarding Gout and other Inflammatory Conditions

Eating too much causes inflammation-

We know that overeating promotes the inflammatory response and suppresses the immune system. Tests performed by the National Institute on Aging revealed that when animals were fed 50 percent fewer calories per day, their immune response improved, the number of inflammatory cytokines in circulation was reduced, thymus size was maintained and inflammation-fighting T-cell function improved. This study looked at higher and lower calorie consumption; it did not distinguish among the types of calories consumed. Heavy, red-meat-based diets or lots of sugar-laden foods would definitely have a negative impact on immune function and promote inflammation, whereas calories in the form of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds would improve immunity. No matter what the food choices, moderation is the key in terms of both total daily quantity and amounts consumed at one time. Generally, five or six small meals (of the right foods) throughout the day are considered to be healthier than consuming fewer large ones. [4]

Continue reading “Important tips regarding Gout and other Inflammatory Conditions”

Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us…………

Are you prepared for the winter germs? 

Have you done enough to avoid illness and pain associated with this dreaded season? 

Can the cold and flu season raise your threat of a Gout attack

                                              Can illness increase your arthritic joint pain and inflammation in general?


Contrary to popular belief, you can avoid serious bouts of illness and still avoid the flu shot.  Optimizing your health through diet, water, sleep, and supplementation won’t only enhance your health overall, it will enhance your body’s ability to ward or fight off any of those nasty germs surrounding you.  Even if you succumb to the germs, you can drastically reduce the severity of the hit with a strengthened immune system. Continue reading “Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us…………”

How to travel and avoid Gout

Traveling can be hectic as is, and downright scary if you suffer from Gout. If you are going abroad it can be even more of a worry as you are not near home, or in the same country to get the help you need, that is why making a packing list, or checking one out from such websites as Rent.is can be very beneficial. Why does Gout tend to attack at THE worst imaginable times and can you avoid this fate?

The anticipation and fear of the next Gout attack can be extremely stressful. Travel can be very stressful, too. Unfortunately, stress can actually CAUSE an attack. Stress can dramatically alter the pH of the body increasing its acid load, pulling minerals from the body, and triggering inflammation. While finally arriving at your destination can be relaxing and fun, the stress leading up to that point could cause problems.

· Try to pack well ahead of time and don’t overthink it. Most people don’t use half of the things they bring. Make a list over a long period of time and stick to it.

· If you are flying, have your documents for security set aside separately and plan to arrive with plenty of time to spare.

· Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and eat well (at least leading up to the vacay.)

· Stress and travel can deplete the healthy bacteria in the body. Taking a high quality probiotic before, during, and after travel can help a great deal.

· Breathe deeply and try to relax. Continue reading “How to travel and avoid Gout”

Antibiotics- How do they affect your health?

Gout, Arthritis, Inflammation and Antibiotics


Antibiotics have played an integral role in modern medicine saving countless lives from bacterial pathogens that would have otherwise claimed them.  This holds true under terms that we remain responsible with the administration of such a powerful resource.  Unfortunately, organisms evolve and as such we have found ourselves at the mercy of antibiotic resistant microbes stemming from the misuse and overuse of Antibiotics.

Antibiotic literally means “against life.”  While its role has been critical in destroying the life of bad bacteria, antibiotics are indiscriminate when it comes to the life of the good bacteria our bodies still need to survive.  Research has shown that childhood antibiotic use can inhibit the normal growth and development of healthy gut bacteria.  Over 70% of the immune system resides in our gut and is home to the trillions of bacteria that play a crucial part of our physical and mental health.  We are now learning how the general shaping of our intestinal health early on in life can determine our future dealings with our immune systems and disease. Continue reading “Antibiotics- How do they affect your health?”

Probiotics May Help Decrease Inflammation and Treat Inflammatory Disease

Science has determined that chronic inflammation plays a role in many diseases, including those that are commonly understood as inflammatory diseases as well as others that were not originally connected with inflammation, such as obesity and diabetes. Now it appears that probiotics, healthy bacteria that live in the gut, may be a key to help treat many inflammation-associated diseases, like ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Probiotics may also help alleviate many of the uncomfortable symptoms experienced by people who must take antibiotics for extended periods of time.

The Role of Probiotics in Fighting Inflammation

In healthy people, inflammation helps the body fight off infection. When inflammation doesn’t switch off Continue reading “Probiotics May Help Decrease Inflammation and Treat Inflammatory Disease”


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